Purpose of Evaluation
The prime purpose of evaluation is to review the quality of performance of the individual and thereby provide methods for achieving a higher level of service for those whom the school serves.
KRS 156. 010, Section 5 As a means of improving the educational productivity of Kentucky's public school, of providing a method by which citizens of the Commonwealth can be assured of measures of accountability of the performance of certified school employees, and of providing encouragement and incentives for certified school employees to improve their performance, the State Board for Elementary and Secondary Education shall establish a statewide program for improving the performance of all certified school personnel, including instructional leaders.
All employees required to hold a certificate, issued by the state certification board, in order to perform their functions are to be evaluated, to include:
- all administrators, including superintendent
- all tenured certified school employees
- all non-tenured certified school employees
Note: To access Certified Personnel Evaluation Form, Click Here