The Safety Tipline, Online Prevention or S.T.O.P Tipline is designed for use as an "online" reporting/prevention tool. If students, parents or community members know of an unsafe situation in school (bullying, weapons, drugs or alcohol, etc.), they can anonymously pass on that information to school personnel by using this basic email format.
This tipline in no way replaces the face to face open communication and relationships built at our schools. The STOP tipline is just one more tool available for use by students or parents to communicate unsafe situations at school.
How does it work?
Students or Parents
- Click S.T.O.P. logo below
- Choose whether you want to submit a tip about 1) bullying, 2)violence or 3) other risky behaviors (i.e. alcohol, drugs, self-harm, sexual abuse or theft, etc...)
- Fill-in the check boxes and explain
- Click submit